Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

My Recent Holiday Experience

To be honest, I didn’t really do anything important whilst the last school holiday. All I did was eat, watch some movies, and sleep, just like that almost those weeks. But, my English teacher asked us to “pour” every activities you had while on vacation. But don’t worry, I’m not going to elaborate of what food I had eaten, what movies I had watched, or what kind of sleep I had slept *what?. And that also doesn’t mean that I spent all holiday weeks being lazy. I had picked up some sport as well. 

 It was two days after the day that was declared as “students’ freedom” and I packed my clothes and went to Tangerang. And it wasn’t anything important. I went there occasionally to visit my mother and my aunt. And we didn’t do anything important either all the week, except the Kumon homework piling up, begging for me to fill them. But I enjoyed it, since my aunt and I were comic and movie maniacs, you know that means: I got every comics and movies for me to enjoy myself! When I thought that the vacation couldn’t get any better, my mother came up with the news: I’m to visit my paternal side of family: grandmother, aunt, and two cousins whom, without coincidence, lived in Tangerang. (except the aunt and the two cousins) 

Since it’s quite contradictive to my personalities, I don’t really enjoy family visits. I’d always imagine it will be about some bunch of people boasting about their relatives’ achievement and, after finding that out, they will strive to live up their image by forcing their own relatives into something they don’t want to. But thank God, that side of my family doesn’t really care of how they look in public, so, we had quite a quiet vacation while I was there. 

 Even at the family visit, we didn’t do anything important either. We just do exactly what normal people would do: get together, except we would always hang out to some malls, shop, and watch movies. My two cousins, Febby and Rian, just love to play games at the game center. At the end of the family visit, I reflected myself of everything I had had in my life. See, the whole point was, it was actually not an impressive vacation at all. Except it happened when you paternal family came from your divorced biological father who rarely sees you at anytime.

Jumat, 24 Januari 2014

Unforgettable Experience

This story is probably one of my most favourite story in my life. Everything came together: My excitement, my anxiety, every emotion in one event. So, here it goes : My admittance to high school.

It was a tense week. Every middle school graduates were freaking out (perhaps some didn’t, but I think no matter how calm they were, I’m sure a corner in their hearts were screaming), and don’t even mention their parents. But although I told you that, it was no exception to me and my parents either. And it was adden by my nerveracking national exam score, 36,90. Why I call it nerveracking? 

Well, before that, I must tell you this: I actually got my own dream school, 3 SHS Bandung. I would always imagine that school as a divine, exquisite place to learn. But, as an oasis in desert, it would always be seek after other students, and even my classmates, and forcing us to compete against each other. 

Then, I saw the previous PG (Passing Grade) of the school. And it was 39.10! Far, far away from my grade. But I had heard that the national exam scores were degrading from the previous year. Now you see why I call it nerveracking. I must stake everything I got for me to get admitted to my dream school. 

So, two days before the registration closed and I toured to find the second choice of my school that fits me most. I found some schools that were good, but so far from home, and some schools that 'didn't seem' good, but closer to home, so it was kind of confusing. At that time, although I longed for my dream school, I still didn't think that I'm going to make it, so, in every school I visited, I would rather make more bonding to my second school choice than my first. 

 And the next day, I visited 3 SHS. I don't know whether my pre-illusion deluded my sight, but at first glance, I found that it was such an amazing environment! I can learn in a place like this. Then I saw the admittance list. Although it was still ‘safe’, I wouldn’t want to risk my whole life for my overrated wish. I also saw its neighbour school admittance list, SMAN 5 Bandung. It was WAY too safe. I know we must always live safely, but I also wouldn’t want to live a life without any excitement. 

Finally, at the end of the registration week, I finally decided my alternative choice, SMAN 7 Bandung. Although I found its look was ‘quite unappetizing’ it was truly close to my home. Then I visited the Belitung schools again. And it was still QUITE safe. It was so nailbiting it made me feel like I’m about to be executed. Things get more and more exhilarating as time passed by. And in the last two hours of the closing time my mother was so convinced that I could pass. Believing my mother, with everything I got in me I finally signed up to SMAN 3 Bandung. As I watch the admittance list, the dreaded time, I heard a countdown from ten, literally! Before I became fully-conscious I finally realized: By the love of God, my parents, my families, everyone, I finally made it to the most brilliant school I’ve ever seen.